Website Terms & Conditions and General Terms & Conditions
Welcome to our website. If you continue to browse and use this website, you are agreeing to comply with and be bound by the following terms and conditions of use, which together with our privacy policy govern World of Clowns Ltd trading as Zippos Circus’s relationship with you concerning this website. If you disagree with any part of these terms and conditions, please do not use our website.
The terms 'World of Clowns Ltd' or ‘Zippos Circus’ or ‘us’ or ‘we’ refer to the owner of the website whose registered office is Swatton Barn, Badbury, Swindon SN4 0EU, England. Our company registration number is 13628834. Registered in England and Wales. The term ‘you’ refers to the user or viewer of our website.
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2. General Terms & Conditions
World of Clowns Ltd and Zippos Circus reserves the right to request and carry out bag searches at the circus. You may be denied entry if you refuse a request to be searched. Please be patient when entering the circus and allow extra time when planning your visit. We stress that there is no specific intelligence relating to any threat to circus-goers, and thank you for cooperating with our wish to keep you safe.
All bookings
Tickets you purchase are for personal use.
All tickets are not for resale. A breach of this condition will entitle us to cancel the tickets without prior notification, refund, compensation or liability.
Customers are required to collect tickets 30 minutes before the advertised start time of the performance. This applies to all sales including online bookings.
Seats must be occupied 15 minutes before the advertised start time, or we reserve the right to refuse admission.
In addition to the ticket price, online sales and some sales in person will attract a booking fee. Booking fees may vary according to the service provided. Those fees are not refundable
Tickets may be available from several sources and these may have varying offers, charges, allocations or availability.
Booking in person
The Ticket Office at the circus is open to callers on each day of our visit.
We welcome payments by cash or debit card, contactless payments and Apple Pay.
Online Booking
Online booking is available at all times at our website:
You will receive an email ticket and may go straight to the big top to have your ticket codes scanned.
A booking fee will be charged per ticket by SEE Tickets.
Refunds, Exchanges and Re-sales
Circus tickets entitle the purchaser to enter the circus, subject to the Manager's discretion.
Tickets cannot be transferred, traded, resold, exchanged, or refunded once purchased other than for the reasons set out in these terms and conditions. This is subject to any rights you may have pursuant to Ticket Plan Protection purchased when you bought the tickets. After purchase, circus tickets have no separate monetary value.
We regret we are unable to make refunds for tickets once they have been paid for. Tickets purchased at our on-site ticket office can, however, be returned for re-sale and an administration charge of 50p is charged where tickets are successfully sold. Zippos Circus reserves the right to sell its own tickets first. This does not affect your statutory rights.
Any refund will usually be paid, using the same method you used to buy the tickets, within 30 days of the original date of the event or the date that we receive your returned tickets, whichever is later.
If a Show is rescheduled, changed or moved, you will have the option of either retaining or exchanging your tickets for the new date/location. If a Show is cancelled you will be given a refund. Please note that the Booking Fee and any Transaction Fees are not refundable in these circumstances. If you opted for Ticket Refund Protection this is also a non-refundable fee.
Discount codes are available for certain performances. These must be presented at the time of purchase. These cannot be used for a First Day Preview show and cannot be used in conjunction with other offers.
Children under the age of two years are permitted to sit on parent/guardian's lap and no ticket purchase is necessary.
Children of two years and over are required to occupy a seat and a ticket must be purchased.
Persons of fifteen years and more are considered adults.
Children unaccompanied by a responsible adult are not permitted into the circus.
General information
Each performance lasts approximately two hours, including an interval. Please note that, because this is a live event, the duration can vary and without prior notice.
Light refreshments and circus souvenirs are available before the show and until the end of the performance interval.
We provide a parking area for prams and pushchairs at the entrance and you are welcome to leave these here at your own risk. Fire regulations do not permit prams or pushchairs within the seating areas.
The Big Top is heated as required.
The performance may include bright or flashing lighting, non-particle smoke effects and loud sound effects.
The performance is produced with regard to eradicating physical reaction triggers.
We endeavour to provide clean toilet facilities at every venue.
On occasion, the show may be filmed or recorded. Buying a ticket affirms your consent to the filming and sound recording of yourself as a member of the audience. If you have any objection, should this happen when you attend a show or event, please contact a member of Front of House staff.
Still and Video Photography
This is an interactive performance. Please DO NOT switch off your phones. Instead, please share images and video clips all you like. Photography without flash and video filming for private use is encouraged. (Commercial photography and video filming are not permitted without prior agreement and payment of a location fee and performers fees.)
Facilities for the disabled, the physically impaired, and wheelchair users
Point of sale
Reserved parking space will be available, with regard to site and health and safety restrictions, to those with mobility difficulties.
A front-of-house assistant will be able to assist as required.
Our Ticket Office staff can recommend the most appropriate seating/space for each individual.
They will communicate with door staff, to alert them to any arrangements that may be required in advance of the individual going into the tent.
The entrance is clearly identified by temporary flooring, which is periodically checked for stability.
Front-of-house assistants will make space available for storage of any personal belongings as necessary, within the designated area inside the foyer tent.
No dogs with the exception of dogs for the disabled, guide dogs, or hearing dogs are allowed onto the circus premises.
The door attendants escort every member of the public to their seats.
Circus staff are clearly identified by their uniform.
Physically impaired groups
We have designated wheelchair spaces which can be booked online and include an assistant companion ticket.
Dogs for the disabled
We welcome dogs for the disabled, guide dogs and hearing dogs.
Those with a dog may select any seat price and will be placed within the ringside seating adjacent to this area.
Water for dogs is available on request.
Please inform us when you will be accompanied by your dog so that we can ensure adequate space is made available.
Zippos Circus Child Protection Policy, Procedures and Application
Reviewed 05/03/2025, (PW).
Developed in line with NSPCC and Children England (SAFE) Guidance
Zippos Circus is a trading name of Circus (UK) Ltd. Circus (UK) Ltd is the owner of this Policy and it relates directly to and applies throughout all Circus (UK) Ltd Companies. The name Zippos throughout this document refers to all Companies within Circus (UK) Ltd
1. Check it out
2. Lead Person
3. Getting Support
4. Decision to have a policy
5. Procedures in place
6. Code of Behaviour
7. Engagement of Staff
8. Keeping Informed
9. Making it work
10. Child Protection Policy Statement
Designated Person
Child Protection Policy
Written Records
Code of Behaviour
Safeguarding: is protecting children and young people* from harm, abuse, neglect – (whether deliberate or not), accidents, prejudiced attitudes, and bullying.
Child Protection: is part of Safeguarding and is the process of protecting individual children who are or could be at risk from significant harm.
A safeguard is a measure put in place to reduce the risk of children and young people being harmed.
The Law: Children Acts of 1989 and 2004 and Government Guidance requires Organisations to work together to protect children and young people. We have a responsibility to safeguard the children we work with and to act on any concerns that a child could be at risk.
We have to ensure that how we work with children keeps them safe and doesn’t place them at risk. We meet these obligations by creating and implementing safeguards, for both the children and staff.
Zippos Circus uses the NSPCC Children England documentation to create an assessment of the Organisation and to put policies and practices in place. This includes staff awareness training. This booklet follows the NSPCC Children England (formerly NSPCC Safe Network) standard layout.
* The UN Convention on Human Rights (1991) defines a child as “anyone under 18 years of age unless “under the Law applicable to the child, majority is attained earlier”. The UK has accepted and ratified this definition, although a number of different laws have specific age limits, such as criminal responsibility and consent. Some definitions exist suggesting a child is under 14, a young person is 14 to 18, and an adult is 18, but are encompassed within the UN definition of Law.
1 Check it out – what do we have in place, what do we do well, and what are the risks? What is our contact with children?
Most children attending Zippo do so with parents or carers, to watch a public presentation of a circus show. We do not sell tickets to unaccompanied children.
Usually, all customers remain in public areas, where they will be observed by door staff, catering staff and other circus staff, including artistes.
There is, therefore, little direct contact with children. There are some exceptions: (1) children may go into the circus ring for birthday congratulations during a Show, (2) they may have photographs taken, in the Circus Ring with artistes or Mascots, after the Show.
All of these contacts are in full view of parents/guardians and the public in general, so unlikely to be open to question.
Artistes and staff are aware that they should not exchange email addresses or social media contacts with children and young people, and that any requests to contact artistes should go via the Zippos Facebook page or website, where they will be reviewed and actioned.
2 Who is the lead person for ensuring children are Safeguarded? – (see Addendum 2 for further details)
This process is managed by Martin Burton, with Paul Winston being the first point of contact on-site (Designated Person), and Russell Johnson co-coordinating training and implementation.
Any staff with any concerns regarding Safeguarding should discuss them with Paul Winston. Paul will receive and record any information, assess and clarify the information, consult with MB/RJ and thereafter refer to a statutory child protection agency for advice or action as required. Beau Denning, Georgeta Milulin, Russell Johnson or Martin Burton can be contacted in Paul's absence.
MB/PW/BD/GM/RJ will not investigate any incident but will provide information and ensure cooperation with any investigation by statutory bodies.
A statutory body is usually the police, Social Services and then any duly authorised body with specialist knowledge.
3 Getting support
This policy will follow the guidance of the NSPCC Safe Network programme.
Staff at Zippos will receive basic awareness training and be given information on what to do should they have any concerns.
This policy is supported and endorsed by the Show Founder and it is a requirement that all staff are aware of the policy. Staff will be made aware of the resources available from or since 2017, should they wish to expand their knowledge further.
4 and 5 Child protection policy and Procedures in place
A child protection policy shows clearly that the Company takes child protection seriously and that it has ensured staff awareness of the importance of child protection and has written guidelines for staff to follow.
6 Code of Behaviour – (see Addendum 6)
All staff engaged by Zippos are expected to behave appropriately, during working hours and outside working hours. Any behaviour which does not meet the required standards will be dealt with via the Contract of Engagement which is signed by all staff. There is also a Health and Safety and Guidance on Interaction with Others leaflet which is given to all staff, outlining the requirements of Zippos.
7 Engagement of staff: employed, self-employed, trainees, interns, artistes undertaking further training, voluntary placements, temporary engagements
We have to make sure we have the right staff in the right job. If staff are an artiste or Front of House/Box Office, we may require them to agree to a DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) check on their background for the job they undertake. Most Managers at Zippos already have a DBS and will identify other staff they feel should have a DBS. We will arrange and pay for the DBS if we require it, and will expect those staff to provide us with a copy of their DBS for our records. We will require all of the above staff to provide their full name, address, date of birth, next of kin and emergency contact details as a minimum level of information.
8 Keeping Informed: Zippos will endeavour to keep up to date with legislation as it affects their work with children and young people and subscribe to the NSPCC information service. Managers will be provided with further training to ensure they are aware of current requirements.
9 Making it Work: Zippos Management will ensure new staff have basic awareness training/and/or are provided with written policies and instructions upon arrival.
10 Child Protection Policy Statement – (see Addendum 4 for Policy)
This policy applies to all staff, employed, self-employed, trainees, interns, artistes undertaking further training, voluntary placements, and temporary engagements and anyone engaged on-site at Zippos.
The purpose of the Policy is:
- to protect children and young people who attend Zippos/ACA as customers, visitors or accompanying parents engaged by Zippos
- to provide staff with general information regarding our commitment to ensuring the safety of children and young people on any Zippos site
- to ensure staff are aware of our requirements concerning the protection of children and young people
Legal framework:
Based on the Law and Guidance that seeks to protect children and young people, including Children Act 1989, United Convention of the Rights of the Child 1991, Sexual Offences Act 2003, Children Act 2004, Protection of Freedoms Act 2012 and relevant Government Guidance on Safeguarding Children and Young People
We recognise that:
- The welfare of children and young people is paramount
- All children have the right to equal protection from all types of harm or abuse, regardless of age, disability, gender, racial heritage, religious belief, sexual orientation or identity
- Some children and young people are additionally vulnerable due to their level of dependence or communication
- There is a need to work in partnership with children, parents, carers and other agencies to ensure the welfare of children and young people
We will seek to keep children and young people safe whilst at Zippos by:
- Adopting an agreed Child Protection Policy throughout Zippos
- Advising staff of our expectations regarding their contact and communication with children and young people in situations on-site and through electronic communication means
- Providing effective staff awareness training
- Ensuring Managers are aware of the Policies, are regularly updated, and introduce all existing and new staff to the Policies and requirements of Zippos
- Maintaining effective staff records
- Requiring Key staff to be DBS checked
- Effective Management liaison to ensure stated policies and procedures are implemented-
Sharing concerns with Agencies who need to know, and involving staff where appropriate
The Founder and Director of Zippos confirm their full support to ensuring the training and policies are implemented. We are committed to reviewing our policies and practices annually.
(2) Designated Person
(4) Zippos Child Protection Policy
(5) Written Record
(6) Code of Behaviour
2) Zippos Circus – Designated Person
The Designated Person for Zippos Circus is Paul Winston.
Paul is the person to approach with any concerns relating to the welfare of a child at or visiting the circus.
Paul is contactable via the Ticket Office and 07973 122144. If he is unavailable, Beau Denning, Georgeta Milutin, Russell Johnson or Martin Burton should be contacted.
Reports to: Martin Burton, Show Founder
Paul Winston, Position: Site Manager
Purpose of Role:
To take the lead role in ensuring and implementing arrangements to keep children and young people safe at Zippos.
Duties and Responsibilities:
- To make sure any issues concerning the safety and welfare of children and young people attending or residing at Zippos/ACA are properly dealt with through policies and procedures.
- To ensure all staff at Zippos are made aware of the procedures and what they should do if they have concerns.
- To receive information from anyone who has concerns about a child or young person at Zippos.
- To take the lead on dealing with any information received, clarifying information and discussing with colleagues above.
- Consulting with and passing on such information to statutory child protection bodies, (children’s social care department, police) and making formal referrals if advised
report progress to colleagues above.
- To be familiar with referral procedures to statutory child protection bodies and the police
attend awareness training as required.
- To provide basic awareness training with colleagues above.
(4) Zippos Child Protection Policy
This policy applies to all staff: employed, self-employed, trainees, interns, artistes undertaking further training, voluntary placements, temporary engagements and anyone engaged on-site at Zippos.
Purpose of the Policy:
- To protect children and young people who attend performances, reside or visit friends residing at Zippos/ACA.
- To provide a framework for protecting children and young people to staff at Zippos
Zippos believes that a child or young person should never experience abuse of any kind. - We have a responsibility to protect the welfare of children and young people and keep them safe. We are committed as an Organisation to work in ways to protect children and young people and assist them in bringing forward any concerns.
Legal framework: This policy is drawn up on the basis of law and guidance, including: Children Act 1989, United Convention on the Rights of the Child 1991, Data Protection Act 1998, Sexual Offences Act 2003, Children Act 2003, Protection of Freedoms Act 2012, relevant Government and NSPCC Guidance on Safeguarding Children.
We recognise that:
- The welfare of children and young people is paramount (Children Act 1989)
all children, regardless of age/disability, gender, racial heritage, religious belief, sexual orientation or identity, have the right to equal protection from all types of harm and abuse
some children are additionally vulnerable due to their level of dependency or communication needs.
- That working in partnership with children, young people, parents, carers and other agencies is essential in promoting the welfare of children and young people.
We will seek to keep children and young people safe by:
- valuing, listening and responding to them
- adopting child protection practices through procedures, policies and a code of conduct for all Zippos staff
- ensuring staff awareness of electronic social media communication policy
- providing effective management of staff and policies and procedures implementation
- ensuring staff are all aware of policies and procedures
- sharing concerns with agencies who need to know
We will review and evaluate our policy and practice annually.
Policy agreed by:
Martin Burton, Founder and Director of Zippos Circus
On: 20/08/2015
Policy to be reviewed annually.
Policy Reviewed: 10/8/2016, (RJ), 15/08/2017, (RJ) 10/08/2018, (RJ), 14/08/2019, (RJ), Policy Reviewed and Amended 27/01/2020, (RJ), Policy Reviewed 03/02/2022, (PW), Policy Reviewed 03/03/2023, (PW), Policy Reviewed 11/03/2024, (PW), Policy Reviewed 05/03/2025, (PW)
(5) Written Record
If information is brought to the attention of the Designated Person, they will make a written record of:
- Details of child or young person at risk
- What the incident or issue appears to be
- Where it took place, and when
- Who is reporting the incident or issue
- Decide if it is an immediate issue that requires police intervention. If it does, report to police, and follow their instructions. If the incident/event is over, or believed to be an ongoing incident/event, record details and report to MB.
A decision will be made on how to proceed.
Complete any further written notes as soon as possible and retain for evidence.
Written notes should include who the matter was discussed with, actions decided upon and taken, when, with all names, dates and times noted.
The Designated person DOES NOT investigate any incident/issue, and is to be guided at all times by Police/social care Children’s Services.
(6) Code of Behaviour
Zippos already has in place a thorough Health and Safety Policy; a shortened version is given to all staff. This contains information on the behaviour expected of staff, as do the Contracts issued to staff. These will be upheld rigorously by Management.
Relating to this Guidance, additionally, children and young people should be:
Listened to, valued and respected by each other and by adults.
Adult staff and family members must behave in a manner which does not threaten, endanger or intimidate a child or young person.
Adult staff and family members must be aware of the children and young people around their workplace, both children and young people belonging to other staff members and those visiting Zippos Shows as customers.
Our Disclaimer
The management reserves the right to refuse admission.
Due to the hazardous nature of circus performance, we reserve the right to alter the advertised programme at any time.
Parents/guardians are responsible for the children in their care. Please ensure that they remain seated, and take proper care at all times
Zippos Circus takes no responsibility for loss or damage to property, howsoever caused.
The Zippos Circus name, logos and images are copyrighted.
This policy may be revised at any time.
This revision: March 2025